Uyemura Products

A | B | C | E | F | G | K | M | N | P | R | S | T | U | V

187 SO Anodes MMO anodes for acid copper PCB applications
ACCEMULTA™ MFD-5 immersion palladium for EN
ACCEMULTA™ MPD-22 is a near neutral pH palladium activator
ACCEMULTA™ MPD-32 gold activator for EN
ACCEMULTA™ MPD-SV palladium inhibitor prevents background plating of EN
ALTAREA™ TPD-23 autocatalytic electroless palladium
ALTAREA™ TPG-13 Electroless Palladium Bath
ARGUNA 621 bright silver electrolyte
ARGUNA 630 GAM hard silver electrolytes
Arguna C-100 Silver-Graphite Dispersion Electrolyte
AuBEL electroless gold process for metal finishing
Auruna 7100 high-speed gold-cobalt electrolyte for R2R
Auruna 8100 high-speed gold-cobalt electrolyte for R2R
Auruna 311 gold cobalt electrolyte
Auruna hard gold electrolytes for rack and barrel plating
Auruna soft gold electrolytes for rack and barrel plating

BEL-801 electroless nickel
BlackNight lead free black electroless nickel process

C100 Silver dispersion finish developed specifically for connectors
Cleaner ACL-839 for flexible boards and through-hole cleaning
Cleaner C-4000 soak for electro-cleaning
Cleaner MSC-PS removes organic residues and activates copper substrates
CL Satin Nickel process produces uniform satin/dull, decorative, fine-crystalline nickel deposits
COPKIA™ Rip II Gold Stripper removes of plated gold
COPKIA™ Rip Palladium Additive for Copkia Rip II Gold Stripper

EPITHAS™ Acid Activator for copper / copper alloys
EPITHAS™ CACL-067 pretreatment for silicon wafers
EPITHAS™ LEC-18 etchant for aluminum / aluminum alloys
EPITHAS™ LEC-19 cmos-compatible micro-etch for aluminum
EPITHAS™ MCL-10 acid soak pretreatment copper / copper alloys
EPITHAS™ MCL-067 cmos-compatible low foaming acid soak cleaner
EPITHAS™ MCL-16 alkaline soak pretreatment for aluminum on silicon wafers
EPITHAS™ MCS-30 acid immersion zinc for silicon wafer plating
EPITHAS™ NPR-18 electroless nickel for UBM of copper / aluminum
EPITHAS™ NPR-18CM bath for wafer plating applications
EPITHAS™ NPR-24 electroless nickel for silicon wafers
EPITHAS™ PD-3 Electroless Palladium
EPITHAS™ TAM-55 neutral immersion gold bath for SMT applications
EPITHAS™ TDS-20 cyanide-free immersion gold bath for SMT / wafer plating
EPITHAS™ TDS-43 neutral immersion gold bath for silicon wafers
EPITHAS™ TMX-15 cyanide-free autocatalytic gold bath for SMT / wafer plating
EPITHAS™ TWX-40 reduction-assisted immersion gold bath

GOBRIGHT™ TAM-55 immersion gold bath for minimizing nickel corrosion / optimizing gold distribution
GOBRIGHT™ TAM-LC neutral immersion gold bath for SMT
GOBRIGHT™ TAW-66 immersion gold for ENIG formulated to minimize nickel corrosion
GOBRIGHT™ TCU-38 low gold concentration bath formulated to minimize corrosion
GOBRIGHT™ TCU-41 direct immersion gold for copper
GOBRIGHT™ TFR-33 immersion gold bath for SMT
GOBRIGHT™ TFS-10 Reduction-assisted Immersion Gold
GOBRIGHT™ TLA-77 Type S immersion gold that provides excellent solderjoint reliability
GOBRIGHT™ TMX/21/23 is an alternative autocatalytic gold, a neutral autocatalytic/ electroless gold process
GOBRIGHT™ TWX-42 RAIG reduction-assisted immersion gold

KHW Antique-Nickel thin, bright anthracite-colored nickel layer
KHW-NC cyanide-free, semi-bright alkaline copper plating process
KTY Electroless Nickel heavy metal-free electroless nickel

MECetchBOND CZ Series
Medigold for medical diagnostics and related applications requiring an ultra-high purity surface
Miralloy 2841 HS alkaline-cyanide electrolyte for the deposition of Miralloy using R2R equipment
Miralloy 2844 alkaline-cyanide electrolyte for Miralloy using rack and barrel equipment
Miralloy 2850 alkaline-cyanide electrolyte for Miralloy using rack plating
Miralloy 4840 cyanide-free electrolyte for barrel plating
Miralloy 4860 cyanide-free electrolyte for using barrel plating
MPS Sulfamate Nickel (HS) brightener system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 150 micro IPM
MPS Sulfamate Nickel (Rack) brightener / wetting agent system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 25 micro IPM
MPS-A Sulfate Nickel (HS) brightener system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 130 micro IPM
MPS-A Sulfate Nickel (Rack) brightener system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 25 micro IPM

Nanomover LPG-12 Gold Remover
Nanosealer MSL-17 Anti-tarnish for ENIG
Nickel 808 S bath additive for producing ultra-bright nickel deposits (additives)
Nickstar black nickel-zinc alloy process
Nicostar black nickel-zinc alloy with cobalt for enhanced hardness
NIMUDEN™ ANP 1012 high phosphorus Pb and Cd-free electroless nickel
NIMUDEN™ ANP 24 low phosphorus aluminum friendly electroless nickel
NIMUDEN™ ANP aluminum friendly Pb and Cd-free electroless nickel
NIMUDEN™ ANP Semi aluminum friendly Pb and Cd-free electroless nickel for metalized pads
NIMUDEN™ ANP-STRIKE low temperature Pb and Cd-free electroless nickel
NIMUDEN™ NKY ultra-bright electroless nickel-phosphorus process
NIMUDEN™ NPR-4 acid electroless nickel plating bath for fine line circuitry
NIMUDEN™ NPR-8 mildly acidic electroless nickel-phosphorus process for nickel / gold plating
Niphos 965 electrolyte for hard gold plating in reel-to-reel lines
Niphos 968 bright nickel-phosphorus electrolyte for piston rods / shock absorbers

Palla-Clean MPC-200 thru-hole soak cleaners for ENIG / ENEPIG processes
Palla-Clean MPC-300 thru-hole soak cleaners for ENIG / ENEPIG processes
Palladium Stripper Additive enhances stripping action of nitric acid
Palluna 457 alkaline palladium electrolyte for decorative / electronic applications
Palluna 468 high-speed palladium-nickel electrolyte
Palluna ACF-100 palladium nickel electrolyte
Palluna ACF-800 neutral pure palladium electrolyte
Platinode 147 titanium anodes with excellent performance with acidic electrolytes
Platinode 167 titanium anodes with excellent performance with alkaline / cyanide electrolytes
Platinode 177 titanium anodes for weak acidic / alkaline electrolytes
Platinode 197 titanium anodes for water electrolysis
Platinode 197SN titanium anodes for high performance in cooling water systems
PLATUNA N1 strong acidic bath for white and ultra-bright platinum
PLATUNA-ALLOY 1 acidic platinum-ruthenium alloy electrolyte
PLATUNA-ALLOY PT pure platinum electrolyte deposits smooth, crack-free platinum coatings
PLATUNA-ALLOY RH platinum-rhodium electrolyte deposits abrasion-resistant platinum-rhodium layers
Presa MGA-29 aqueous anti-tarnish for silver
Presa RGA-14 immersion silver process for PCBs
Presa RMK-20 ver. AS-C immersion tin bath for final finish applications
Presa RMK-31 immersion tin bath for backplane & other press fit applications

Rhoduna PT is ideal for LED and decorative applications
Rhoduna Diamond Bright ultra-bright white coating
Rhoduna-Alloy 1 acidic rhodium-ruthenium alloy electrolyte
Ruthuna 479 Black strong acidic ruthenium electrolyte for decorative applications

Sealing 691 & 692 anti-tarnish surface treatment for precious metals
Sealing 691 with Basic Additive anti-tarnish protectant layer for surface treatment of precious metals

Talon 2.2 electroless palladium process for NIMUDEN™ NPR-4
Talon 3 electroless palladium process for copper, zincated aluminum or electroless nickel plated circuitry
Talon electroless palladium process for electronic / PCB applications
THRU-CUP™ AC-90 single component additive for acid copper plating
THRU-CUP™ ACL-007 for cleaning and activating copper substrates
THRU-CUP™ ACL-009 alkaline soak cleaner for copper substrates
THRU-CUP™ ACL-067 final finish pretreatment
THRU-CUP™ DEC-6000 PCB hole desmear sweller
THRU-CUP™ DEC-7000 PCB hole desmear
THRU-CUP™ DEC-8000 desmear neutralizer / conditioner
THRU-CUP™ DEC-9000 PCB hole post desmear
THRU-CUP™ ECD-CF additive for acid copper plating with insoluble anode
THRU-CUP™ ECD-H additive for high speed acid copper plating
THRU-CUP™ EPL high throwing power acid copper additive
THRU-CUP™ ETN acid copper additive with high current density for printed wiring board DC plating
THRU-CUP™ EVF-N additive for acid copper plating vias and through-holes
THRU-CUP™ EVF-R acid copper additive for filling blind vias with deposited copper
THRU-CUP™ EVF-YF-4 fills through-holes and blind vias
THRU-NIC™ CL nickel plating bath with high throwing power specifications
Topseal 693 Silver Anti-tarnish
Tri-Metal tin-zinc-cobalt alloys
Tynades GHS-51 ultra-pure electolytic process

Uyelight G1 Sulfamate Nickel (Rack) brightener system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 25 micro IPM
Uyelight G1 Sulfate Nickel (Rack) brightener system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 150 micro IPM



ACCEMULTA™ MFD-5 immersion palladium for EN
ACCEMULTA™ MPD-32 gold activator for EN
ACCEMULTA™ MPD-SV palladium inhibitor prevents background plating of EN
ALTAREA™ TPG-13 Electroless Palladium Bath
ALTAREA™ TPD-23 autocatalytic electroless palladium
Arguna C-100 Silver-Graphite Dispersion Electrolyte
BEL-801 electroless nickel
C100 Silver dispersion finish developed specifically for connectors
Cleaner ACL-839 for flexible boards and through-hole cleaning
Cleaner C-4000 soak for electro-cleaning
Cleaner MSC-PS removes organic residues and activates copper substrates
COPKIA™ Rip II Gold Stripper removes plated gold
COPKIA™ Rip Palladium Additive for Copkia Rip II Gold Stripper
EPITHAS™ Acid Activator for copper / copper alloys
EPITHAS™ CACL-067 pretreatment for silicon wafers
EPITHAS™ LEC-18 etchant for aluminum / aluminum alloys
EPITHAS™ LEC-19 cmos-compatible micro-etch for aluminum
EPITHAS™ MCL-10 acid soak pretreatment copper / copper alloys
EPITHAS™ MCL-067 cmos-compatible low foaming acid soak cleaner
EPITHAS™ MCL-16 alkaline soak pretreatment for aluminum on silicon wafers
EPITHAS™ MCS-30 acid immersion zinc for silicon wafer plating
EPITHAS™ NPR-18 electroless nickel for UBM of copper / aluminum
EPITHAS™ NPR-18CM bath for wafer plating applications
EPITHAS™ NPR-24 electroless nickel for silicon wafers
EPITHAS™ PD-3 Electroless Palladium
EPITHAS™ TAM-55 neutral immersion gold bath for SMT applications
EPITHAS™ TDS-20 cyanide-free immersion gold bath for SMT / wafer plating
EPITHAS™ TDS-43 neutral immersion gold bath for silicon wafers
EPITHAS™ TMX-15 cyanide-free autocatalytic gold bath for SMT / wafer plating
EPITHAS™ TWX-40 reduction-assisted immersion gold bath
MECetchBOND CZ Series
GOBRIGHT™ TAM-55 immersion gold bath for minimizing nickel corrosion / optimizing gold distribution
GOBRIGHT™ TAM-LC neutral immersion gold bath for SMT
GOBRIGHT™ TAW-66 immersion gold for ENIG formulated to minimize nickel corrosion
GOBRIGHT™ TCU-38 low gold concentration bath formulated to minimize corrosion
GOBRIGHT™ TCU-41 direct immersion gold for copper
GOBRIGHT™ TFR-33 immersion gold bath for SMT
GOBRIGHT™ TFS-10 Reduction-assisted Immersion Gold
GOBRIGHT™ TLA-77 Type S immersion gold that provides excellent solderjoint reliability
GOBRIGHT™ TMX/21/23 is an alternative autocatalytic gold, a neutral autocatalytic/ electroless gold process
GOBRIGHT™ TWX-42 RAIG reduction-assisted immersion gold
Nanosealer MSL-17 Anti-tarnish for ENIG
Nanomover LPG-12 Gold Remover
NIMUDEN™ NPR-4 acid electroless nickel plating bath for fine line circuitry
NIMUDEN™ NPR-8 mildly acidic electroless nickel-phosphorus process for nickel / gold plating
NTB-302 natural tin plating solution
Palla-Clean MPC-200 thru-hole soak cleaners for ENIG / ENEPIG processes
Palla-Clean MPC-300 thru-hole soak cleaners for ENIG / ENEPIG processes
Palladium Stripper Additive enhances stripping action of nitric acid
Presa MGA-29 aqueous anti-tarnish for silver
Presa RGA-14 immersion silver process for PCBs
Presa RMK-20 ver. AS-C immersion tin bath for final finish applications
Presa RMK-31 immersion tin bath for backplane & other press fit applications
Talon 2.2 electroless palladium process for NIMUDEN™ NPR-4
Talon 3 electroless palladium process for copper, zincated aluminum or electroless nickel plated circuitry
Talon electroless palladium process for electronic / PCB applications
THRU-CUP™ AC-90 single component additive for acid copper plating
THRU-CUP™ ACL-007 for cleaning and activating copper substrates
THRU-CUP™ ACL-009 alkaline soak cleaner for copper substrates
THRU-CUP™ ACL-067 final finish pretreatment
THRU-CUP™ DEC-6000 PCB hole desmear sweller
THRU-CUP™ DEC-7000 PCB hole desmear
THRU-CUP™ DEC-8000 desmear neutralizer / conditioner
THRU-CUP™ DEC-9000 PCB hole post desmear
THRU-CUP™ ECD-CF additive for acid copper plating with insoluble anode
THRU-CUP™ ECD-H additive for high speed acid copper plating
THRU-CUP™ EPL high throwing power acid copper additive
THRU-CUP™ ETN acid copper additive with high current density for printed wiring board DC plating
THRU-CUP™ EVF-N additive for acid copper plating vias and through-holes
THRU-CUP™ EVF-R acid copper additive for filling blind vias with deposited copper
THRU-CUP™ EVF-YF-4 fills through-holes and blind vias
THRU-NIC™ CL nickel plating bath with high throwing power specifications
Tynades GHS-51 ultra-pure electolytic process

Metal Finishing

187 SO Anodes MMO anodes for acid copper PCB applications
ARGUNA 621 bright silver electrolyte
ARGUNA 630 GAM hard silver electrolytes
AuBEL electroless gold process for metal finishing
Auruna 7100 high-speed gold-cobalt electrolyte for R2R
Auruna 8100 high-speed gold-cobalt electrolyte for R2R
Auruna 311 gold cobalt electrolyte
Auruna hard gold electrolytes for rack and barrel plating
Auruna soft gold electrolytes for rack and barrel plating
BEL-801 electroless nickel
BlackNight lead free black electroless nickel process
CL Satin Nickel process produces uniform satin/dull, decorative, fine-crystalline nickel deposits
KHW Antique-Nickel thin, bright anthracite-colored nickel layer
KHW-NC cyanide-free, semi-bright alkaline copper plating process
KTY Electroless Nickel heavy metal-free electroless nickel
Miralloy 2841 HS alkaline-cyanide electrolyte for the deposition of Miralloy for R2R equipment
Miralloy 2844 alkaline-cyanide electrolyte for Miralloy during rack and barrel plating
Miralloy 2850 alkaline-cyanide electrolyte for Miralloy during rack plating
Miralloy 4840 cyanide-free electrolyte for copper-tin-zinc alloys
Miralloy 4860 strong acidic electrolyte for Miralloy during barrel plating
MPS Sulfamate Nickel (HS) brightener system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 150 micro IPM
MPS Sulfamate Nickel (Rack) brightener / wetting agent system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 25 micro IPM
MPS-A Sulfate Nickel (HS) brightener system suited for electronic applications with deposition rate of 130 micro IPM
MPS-A Sulfate Nickel (Rack) brightener system suited for electronic applications with deposition rate of 25 micro IPM
Nickel 808 S bath additive for producing ultra-bright nickel deposits (additives)
Nickstar black nickel-zinc alloy process
Nicostar black nickel-zinc alloy with cobalt for enhanced hardness
NIMUDEN™ ANP 1012 high phosphorus Pb and Cd-free electroless nickel
NIMUDEN™ ANP 24 low phosphorus aluminum friendly electroless nickel
NIMUDEN™ ANP aluminum friendly Pb and Cd-free electroless nickel
NIMUDEN™ ANP Semi aluminum friendly Pb and Cd-free electroless nickel for metalized pads
NIMUDEN™ ANP-STRIKE low temperature Pb and Cd-free electroless nickel
NIMUDEN™ NKY ultra-bright electroless nickel-phosphorus process
Niphos 965 electrolyte for hard gold plating in reel-to-reel lines
Niphos 968 bright nickel-phosphorus electrolyte for piston rods / shock absorbers
Palluna 468 high-speed palladium-nickel electrolyte
Palluna ACF-100 palladium nickel electrolyte
Palluna ACF-800 neutral pure palladium electrolyte
Platinode 147 titanium anodes with excellent performance with acidic electrolytes
Platinode 167 titanium anodes with excellent performance with alkaline / cyanide electrolytes
Platinode 177 titanium anodes for weak acidic / alkaline electrolytes
Platinode 197 titanium anodes for water electrolysis
Platinode 197SN titanium anodes for high performance in cooling water systems
PLATUNA N1 strong acidic bath for white and ultra-bright platinum
PLATUNA-ALLOY 1 acidic platinum-ruthenium alloy electrolyte
PLATUNA-ALLOY PT pure platinum electrolyte deposits smooth, crack-free platinum coatings
PLATUNA-ALLOY RH platinum-rhodium electrolyte deposits abrasion-resistant platinum-rhodium layers
Rhoduna PT is ideal for LED and decorative applications
Rhoduna Diamond Bright ultra-bright white coating
Rhoduna-Alloy 1 acidic rhodium-ruthenium alloy electrolyte
Ruthuna 479 Black strong acidic ruthenium electrolyte for decorative applications
Sealing 691 & 692 anti-tarnish surface treatment for precious metals
Topseal 693 Silver Anti-tarnish
Sealing 691 with Basic Additive anti-tarnish protectant layer for surface treatment of precious metals
Tri-Metal tin-zinc-cobalt alloys
Uyelight G1 Sulfamate Nickel (Rack) brightener system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 25 micro IPM
Uyelight G1 Sulfate Nickel (Rack) brightener system for electronic applications with deposition rate of 150 micro IPM

Powered by science
Focused on customers

Uyemura finishes lead the world in plating performance.

For more details, or to arrange test processing, contact your Uyemura representative.